Thursday, September 9, 2010
Decal Monster
Dark Energy
Originally this was to go for the J altitude record, but that may that difficult. But the current I Record listed on TRA website by William Inman seems in reach. An I59 should break 15K'. I'll also try a I600 to see how high I can get using it, and how fast.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Attitude Stability Unit (ASU): Initial flight
During this flight the control canards will be held at 0 degrees deflection, while 3-D gyroscopic and accelerometer sensor data is recorded every 1.2 milliseconds. The collected data will be used as simulation stimulus for the Navigation and Control programs.
Video of the ASU initializing --
Project Notes: The Falcon flying on and KBA/AEROTECH M1450W suffered an R.U.D. event early in it's flight (RAPID UNSCHEDULED DISASSEMBLY).
Both flight computers indicated a max velocity of 3489 fps or Mach 3.2083 at
4296 feet when a fin failed due to extreme aerodynamic heating. The velocity graph on the RDAS showed that it was still accelerating at 16.2 gees when the fins came off at 3.75 seconds. The RDAS also reported that the Falcon achieved a maximum acceleration of 32.3 gees at 1.89 seconds.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Black Brant II Restoration
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mercury Joe
Coastal Eddie
Member: Kurt Gugisberg
Project Note: Flew last year to over 42K' AGL.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Organic Carbon
Member: Allen Farrington
Project Goal: At the 2008 XPRS event held on the Black Rock Desert, Kurt Gugisberg and I decided to try to drag race to 50,000 feet for the 2009 event. In addition, we’re both going to try to set altitude records, but in different classes, so the competition will be first to 50K! Kurt, looking for the Complex M class record will be attempting a 3 stage that he’s been refining over the past few years. On the other hand, I’m taking a more conservative approach by attempting the Complex N class record with a two-stage rocket I call Organic Carbon.